Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

With the Olympics less than a month away this day seems even more special this year. It’s exciting to see everyone celebrating this awesome country that we're fortunate to call home. It truly is the best place on earth and I can’t wait to wear the maple leaf when I line up to race next month. 

Training is going great right now and I’m in a good mindset. As always there’s outside noise and politics and distractions, but I’m keeping my blinders on and just doing a good job in training every single day. It’s been a crazy few months, but I have a smart and supportive group of people who I trust and who have my back. Regardless of what’s going on around me, I’m confident that I’m doing everything I can to be the best I can be. And that's all I can do. 

So cheers to my fellow Canadians! Have a happy, patriotic day, and keep your Canada Flags handy. You're gonna need them in a few short weeks when we’ll all be waving them high and proud once again. 

Go Canada. 


2nuksabroad said...

Happy Canada to you too! We made a special request of a friend who is going home for the summer to bring us back a flag. I will be hanging in on the balcony in...25 more days!
And I have Aug 4 & 7 starred on the calendar! Glad to hear your training is going well, wow the countdown is now days.
Good luck to all the Edm athletes at the ITU this upcoming weekend.
fyi-ATA had a link to the 'Mom's of Olympians'. Great video of you and your Ma.

Cgydonna said...

You are a great Canadian, Paula.
Great to hear you are doing what you need to now.. You are so smart, and you know what needs to be done.
We remember your world class accomplishments! Canada is so lucky to have you wear the red and white in London.
We will be cheering for you from the Sunshine Coast, I hope you feel the love.

Kinthelt said...

Your fans in Winnipeg will be cheering you on!

Unknown said...

Go Paula. We can hardly wait for Aug 4. Our daughter is a avid triathlete, and will be competing in the Canadian triathlon in Penticton, BC, This Aug 26. Our hopes and best wishes are with you.
Bob & Edith Pettie
Red Deer, AB

Jean-François Rancourt said...

Paula, here in Quebec , I am so proud to see you finishing this Olympic triathlon despite all the pain. You are my first...keep going, we will see you next time ahead.

Clemente Alonso McKernan said...

Many of us really liked your attitude finishing today when you know in normal conditions you have the power to be in front. We will be wainting to see you on top in Rio. Congrats from Spain.

Dock Currie said...

Just saw your comments after the triathalon. Just want you to know, nobody cares that it wasn't your best run, nobody, the whole country loves you for having gone and tried, truly.

Albert and Graziella Potvin said...

Paula, You are a Canadian Olympian! “Sometimes we are at our best when we are at our worst”. No need to apologize for your placement.

Unknown said...

Paula, I just watched you in the triathlon and I have to say that you are still an Olympian and a wonderful role model to all young Canadians.
You did not quit when you could have, even when you said you had nothing left to give, you found a strength of spirit and resolve and ran over the finish line to complete the course. To apologize to us is something that I'm sure you feel you had to do, but I can assure you that you don't. Competing in a sport is stressful at any time, and the Olympics are the top stressors. I hope that the students in my class takes what you have accomplished today to heart. Never quit. find a way to keep going, and do it with grace.

LoveStats said...

Big hugs for you. We are all proud of you. :)

Ian B said...

Paula Findlay....You are Canada's BEST representative at the came in last in the triathlon but you did not quit and finished....YOU ARE MY NEW HERO!!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josh said...

You've got nothing to be ashamed of, Paula. The strength of character you showed in finishing that race is exemplary and should be an inspiration to us back home. You have demonstrated to the world that it's not just the people standing on the podium who are heroes. Your performance showed just as much true Olympic spirit as anybody who made it into the winners' circle.

Unknown said...

Paula, you did so much more today than any of us did sitting at home on our butts, watching you on tv!! You FINISHED that race and we are all so proud of you - THANK YOU for being an inspiration, you are such a phenomenal Canadian and you never have to apologize for being AWESOME. I hope you can feel the maple leaf love from across the pond, Sandra :)

Gera Scott Chandler said...

Paula- you made us so proud so stand tall! Finishing the race in spite of it all took great courage and the strength of character that is what makes an Olympian. No apologies needed- you inspired us with your determination and provided a huge life lesson to so many of your fellow Canadians and that is priceless.
THANKS so much!

gera in Victoria

Unknown said...

Heroic and still one the idols of a couple of age groupers. MM and AT

Shawna said...

No need to apologize. You gave it your all and you crossed the finish line. I told my eleven year old son about you today because YOU are the type of athlete that I want him to look up to. Be proud of who you are and enjoy the rest of the Olympics for all of us here in Canada!!

Julian Luckham said...

Dear Paula Findlay,

You just did something I can only dream of, or do vicariously through others... Like you! You were at the Olympics, my God you completed the Olympic Triathalon! You are amazing and I am very proud of you! You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, you are a champion to many, including me! Yes, that's four exclamation marks, because really you should only put one after a sentence!!!!

"The real loser is never the person who crosses the finishing line last, the real loser is the person who sits on the side, the person who does not even try to compete." 

Sheila Pistorius, in a letter to her son Olympian/Paralympian Oscar Pistorius.

Julian (Ottawa, Canada)

Unknown said...

I watched your race today and I was in tears, not because you didn't win, but because you felt you needed to apologize for your performance. You should hold your head up high for what you have accomplished, and never apologize! Canada is so proud of you, and are honoured to have you wear the maple leaf!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you Paula. Sending you big hugs of support. My wish? carry our flag at closing ceremonys.

Calgary Northeast Farmers Market said...

We are SO PROUD. No need to be sorry.

Matt n Alex Fo-Eva said...

Paula, I've been waiting to watch the triathlon since the games began and was just able to catch the highlights after work today. Your performance was more inspiring than I could have guessed or imagined it would be. It's easy to handle winning with grace. Finishing a race like that in front of so many people, when it would be much easier to sit down and cry showed the amazing character you have. I'm so proud to have you representing our country at the Olympics! You're a wonderful role model and inspiration.

Mommy said...

Ms Findlay, I only met you today watching you on the screen of the 2012 Olympics... my heart so proud to have that Canadian leaf on your chest. It doesnt make a hero to cross a finish line, you made it a hero by finishing it with the amount of class that you did. I am honored to have you repesent us at these games! thank you for showing everyone out there what it truly takes to finish. xo

Unknown said...

You finished with amazing grace today and set an example for all to follow, you displayed humility, passion and pride. You are an Olympian and you've got nothing to apologize for! I was inspired by being in the same transition area with you at the toronto triathlon a few weeks ago, but watching you finish in london today gave me goose were awesome.


Kadian Tracey said...

I don''t know if I could be any more proud to be Canadian at seeing you fight today at the 2012 London Olympics. So many people gave up and the best thing you did was not give up. I can't speak for everyone else but I am very proud of you. You keep your head up. You'll get them the next time.

EdC said...

I am so proud you had my nation's colours on you today. While I can only imagine your disappointment, please know that yours will be one of names I will make sure my kids remember when they talk about the Olympics this Fall. Please know that I firmly believe there was absolutely no need to apologize.

Sooke, BC

Kathleen said...

I'll echo Ed's comment! I am so proud to have you representing this country!! Finishing a race even when you know you're placing last takes so much strength, courage and integrity!! You represent everything I love about true athleticism and don't think for a second you have anything to apologize for!

Sending you much love!

Vancouver, BC

7YearsLeft said...

We're really lucky to have such a humble and amazing Canadian as an ambassador to the world!

You've inspired me to get off my ass and go run tomorrow - you've made a difference in at least one person with your performance :)

Unknown said...

Paula, I watched the triathlon live, I'm sure many would have loved to see you do better, no one more than yourself, but it broke my heart to see you crying and apologizing, we're all still very proud of you, remember you finished, there are many that never got to the Olympics or got their and DNF. Very proud of you. You have a new fan along with the millions of others. Cant wait to see you in Rio!

Rain said...

Dear Paula,
First off, I have to say, how brave of you to even compete in the Olympic games.That in itself is an amazing feat. Not only do I feel proud to be a Canadian along side you- I am in awe. There are days, when- I think many may agree- it seems impossible even to get out of bed. I struggle every day. And you finished a TRIATHLON at the OLYMPICS. While it is a true testament to your character that you apologized to us, you don't owe us anything. Race for you, because you love it. People don't care how you placed. Our lives go on. What inspires and sticks with us is your spirit: passionate and inspiring; an athlete who gave this race her all. For this, I say Thank You. We are proud.
Toronto ON

Mr. Kraeker said...

Paula: So many have said it so well. You have no need to apologize! I hope you realize that in your one action of finishing the race knowing you would be dead last, you have become more of a hero than if you'd won! Who can really identify with those 3 who win a medal? But everyone of us can identify with and want the courage you showed by what you did. More teachers, coaches and inspirational speakers will show your video, talk about your action today than any medal winner during this entire Olympic year! One of the ads around the Olympic theme says "It's not what colour you come home with but the colour you go with! (then Tide wants to keep those colours bright) I'm not sure what colour courage is, but whatever colour it is, you have been the brightest (colour) star so far in all the events. Take heart! You are so admired by so many you will never really get to know. ck ..

Tash said...

Hi Paula,
I am so proud of you! You represent what this country is all about - strong, committed and determined. I felt your pain, emotionally the idea that dreams are not met and disappointment sets in. This feeling is temporary. I hope after the race you will reflect on your perseverance and how your choices have influenced every youth who wants to compete at your level. You became my Canadian hero. Anyone who starts something and aims to finish deserves congratulations. It is not how you place in a race, but the way you conducted yourself.
I look forward to seeing you in the next Olympics, don't give up your dreams, learn from the experience and move forward. You can do it, Paula!
Never apologize for the effort and commitment you put in. You made your parents, family and friends proud - and you made me a fan!

Safe travels home!

Unknown said...

Dear Paula,

I have never written to an Olympian before. I'm certainly proud of our athletes, and like any Canadian I cheer loudly for our top finishes. But your experience is entirely different. It is a success of a greater kind that perhaps more of us can relate to - a strategy, a struggle, a completion, a win even without a medal.
You gave years of your life, delayed your education path, and sacrificed time with friends all towards a goal of getting to the Olympics to represent what Canada has for skill, personality and perhaps most important, sportsmanship. The arms of your entire country want to hug you for your gift to us.
You have not failed, you have won the hearts and minds of millions the world over with your perseverance. You have no one to apologize to, we thank you. And you should have no regrets for finishing what you started, regardless of pain. Have no doubt my friend, your name will be spoken as the one of inspiration by many for years to come, by children who saw you never give up, and today are saying "I want to be like Paula, I want to be someone who never gives up!"
I hope to one day be able to shake your hand in person to say thanks as you so deserve, and I look forward to seeing you compete again. Your family loves you. Your friends love you. Your country loves you. Find your inner smile, and let it bubble to the surface to share with us! I mean come on, you're a red-head. How more Canadian can you get eh?

Anonymous said...

I have never written to an Olympian before. I have never felt so moved as I have by what you accomplished the other day. It took me quite a while to find some way to send a message to you and I hope that this gets to you.

Your accomplishment will be an example for centuries to come. You could have easily dropped out at any point in the competition and blamed your injury for your result. Instead, you continued to do the best you could. Even at the point when you looked at your coach and let the pain and hurt wash over you by telling him you wanted to quit, you fought down that impulse and continued forward to do what you set out to do; complete the Triathlon.

At that point, you were probably deeply inside yourself so that you did not hear every single person cheering you on, wanting to help you take every step, willing you to finish your goal. You brought thousands of people to tears as they felt your pain and your hurt and truly they would have done anything to help you. Your will to finish was supported by every single person watching you from around the world willing you to take each step.

You have absolutely NOTHING to apologize for. In fact, we should apologize to you for 'putting you through' the ordeal. Your feat did something incredible, far more than any medalist has ever done.

Your accomplishment in finishing the Triathlon united thousands and thousands of people around the world, forgetting their differences and in fact, themselves as they joined with you in your struggle.

That is an amazing accomplishment and one that you should be incredibly proud of. After all, you can compete again and we will all be there sending you our hopes, prayers and sharing in your joys in the future.

But for this moment in time, you truly did perform a miracle.

God Bless!

Chris Warden

Unknown said...

No need to say you are sorry. We respect you and your efforts.

Serine said...

Your dedication and effort despite your injury and last place finish means so much more than you realize. I don't want to teach my girls about working hard and being the best, but of sportsmanship, working hard in the face of adversity, and continuing on to ones goal despite disappointment. Your attitude and sportsmanship highlights some of the best of Canada and provide a better example to others than a gold medal. We all still love you, just for that.

SelahBeth said...

Dear Paula Findlay
You have nothing to be sorry for. You showed up and you raced. You didn't finish where you wanted, and the race didn't go the way you wanted, but you have nothing to apologize for.
You could have quit, but you didn't. You continued, you persevered through you pain, and dissapointment, to cross the finish line. You are an amazing inspiration to us all. NEver give up. We are proud of you. Thank you.
Love Selah

Unknown said...

You finished in incredible pain. You showed great strength and courage. Canada is PROUD of you, Paula. Imagine what we all could accomplish if we had 1/10 of the perseverance and determination that you demonstrated. I'm proud to say that someone of this caliber represented my country.

Unknown said...

Hi Paula, we are all proud of you for finishing!

Darwin Gooding said...

No apology required. What you did is more impressive and inspiration than any medal win. To be in such incredible pain and discomfort so early on in the race and to show the grit and determination to finish the race was incredible to watch.

I sincerely hope you take time to heal and come back better than ever! However, if you decide this experience is the end we'll understand. Either way, all of Canada is extremely proud of you! You're an incredible inspiration and a testament to the olympic spirit. You're a hero. Know that.

Thank you for your incredible effort.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paula,
I just wanted to let you know that you are a woman I very much look up to. I hope your healing goes well. Never give up and just do what you love to do!

A young female Canadian athlete

Gayle said...

Proud of you for crossing that finish line! Please don't feel that you have to apologize, we all think you are incredible.

dranta said...

Paula, No need to apologize. A much wiser person once told me, “You did your best. Some days your best may not the same as other days, but you did your best.” This wasn’t told to me in relation to running races but it could be.
You do Canada proud.

Alex said...

Hi Paula,
saw your race today, you did what you had to do given the circumstances. This is already a huge win,
Go back to training and forget that as an experience from the past,
See you on top in Rio,

Seeges said...

Paula, Your best days are still ahead of you. No need to apologize, you showed true olympic spirit by finishing the race. Keep your head up.

Unknown said...

There was no need to apologize.

You showed tremendous courage and you made me proud to be a canadian.

I admire your resiliency and you should hold your head high.

Olympic medals will come, I'm sure of it.

Gregwh said...

Some day when you look back on this it will seem like the very beginning of your career, because it is. The seeds of opportunity have been planted!

JS said...

Hi Paula,

We're proud of you. You have zero need to apologize for anything. You fought through injury and persevered your way to the Olympics. That, in itself, is an inspiration to millions of Canadians. Hope to see you in the next Olympics!

Unknown said...

Paula, all we Canadians are very proud of you and how you represented our country - you put your heart, soul, body and mind into it. You are a true inspiration to all of us, a true champion in all our hearts.
It has been said that tough times do not build character, as much as they display character. Your finishing the race, showed a most deepest strength of character, a beautiful soul, and a very humble and human side of yourself ( a place we all have but seldom display it). You did a wonderful and besutiful thing, and we all stand behind you. You have inspired more hope in us than you can ever dream of.
Thank you.
God bless.
Michael Krisa

jmeyersforeman said...

dear Paula,
I hope you are well, I wanted to be amount those to tell you "no need to apologize" you are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your perspective.
You are incredible and crossing that finish line last was more amazing than if you had been first! So much so that I had to blog about it!
You are a blessing!

Unknown said...

I had never heard of you before watching the finish of the Olympic triathlon. Of all the Canadian Olympians, I believe your name is the one I will remember for guts and the glory of giving your all. You are truly an inspiration,and judging from the other comments,you may not have won a spot on the podium but you have won a place in all of our hearts. With love Ken